Friday, December 21, 2007

Man jewelry

I get told from time to time (by women) that I should make jewelry for guys. I guess I haven't pursued it because I don't see that many guys wearing chains or bracelets. Steve has assured me he is content with his watch and wedding band.

Christmas is just around the corner, so gift-mode got me thinking about men's accessories again. I realize the potential monotony of wearing a suit for work every day, so I tried to think outside the jewelry box (tie tack? money clip? keychain?). I decided to make cufflinks for our friend Johnny. It was a collaborative effort; Steve helped me work out the design so it wasn't too plain or over-the-top, and Cheryl helped me with soldering logistics (she's a pro, I'm learning).

So yes, I do make man jewelry, but just through custom orders for now. If you're looking for guy accessories, feel free to email me.

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