Monday, March 03, 2008

Good weekend

Steve was gone all last week, so I was extra glad to have him home. We kicked off our weekend on Friday by checking out the new Thai restaurant in town and watching Reign Over Me.

On Saturday morning we rode the Metro to DC and met up with Steve's Swedish boss who was in town. We walked around the Mall so he could see some of the monuments, then we went to the Air & Space Museum, had some Mexican-style tapas (!), and did the Museum of Natural History. The funniest moment for me was in the Minerals exhibit Steve & Jan were taking pictures of the huge quartz specimen to show colleagues (quartz crystal is the basis of their technology), yet only steps away everyone else was crowded around the Hope Diamond.

Yesterday (Sunday) we hung out with my brother Tom and his family who were visiting from Kentucky. Travis is almost 2, cute and sweet, and is very close to saying "Anne." After dinner my dad got a call from a neighbor inviting us to come over and use his telescope. The Orion Nebula (M42 on this map) and Saturn (and the telescope itself) were pretty impressive.

No pictures the whole weekend - sorry! I did just order a pocket-size camera so I can keep it with me for times like these.

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