Friday, April 18, 2008

Has it already been a decade?

My husband and I met in a chemistry lab back in college, and yes, we've heard all the puns. He looked pretty cute in his protective eyewear, but I think he gets even better with age.

Our first date, ten years ago, was going to see the rock formations called Devil's Den at Gettysburg. I remember the redbuds starting to bloom and the trees starting to leaf out.

Steve's first visit to my hometown (captured here on 35mm film!) was for the Apple Blossom Festival, and his observation was that Winchester is an interesting mix of rednecks and rich people. I still think that's funny.

"We're still having fun, and you're still the one."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:12 AM

    You look exactly the same. Even that picture when you were like 14 you still look the same. I did a double take to see if that was Steve's younger brother or Steve. Great picture! Johnny (First time checking out your blog by the way... nicely done!)
