Saturday, January 07, 2006

Fresh sea glass

Yesterday morning I took Riley for a walk along the Delaware River. She pulls on the leash, which makes my hand hurt and prevents me from pumping my arms to get my heart rate up, so I tied it around my waist. This apparently appears to other walkers to be cheating (they chide me in passing); my response is that I'm not wearing roller blades so it's not cheating.

The trail ends at a beach, so I let Riley take a sip (but not a dip) in the water. Meanwhile I found a few choice pieces of sea glass and, having no pockets, I made the decision to use her empty poop bag to collect it and hoped that nature wouldn't call. I've been running low on cobalt blue, which is both the rarest and most popular, and found several pieces of it before I got cold and had to start back. Riley was back in the yard maybe a minute before nature called - whew! The photo is of yesterday's bounty. That one piece is brown, not red, and you may notice several pieces of lavender. For more info about sea glass, click here.

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