Monday, July 09, 2007


Today I worked on a special order for a client in Wisconsin. She likes the look of Silpada, but doesn't trust their quality so she contacted me and gingerly asked if I would make her some Silpada-esque pieces. So we paged through the catalog for inspiration and she designed, among other things, this necklace. I cut the pendant out of hammered sheet, filed the edges, then decided it was too plain. So I soldered on (yes, Cheryl) a wire border and quite like the results. The necklace is suede and the pendants are interchangable (clients's idea and I think it's a good one). I also did some hammered & domed earrings, forgot to eat lunch, and WHERE DID THE REST OF MY DAY GO? Perhaps fiddling around with the torch, which I hadn't touched since we moved to Virginia.

I'm noticing that I pick up on British turn of phrase (including "quite") when reading Brit chick lit. This weekend I read Marian Keyes' Anybody Out There? Irish girl (the sister of the girl in Watermelon) meets Boston boy (Bah-ston - and all his dialogue just like that - pahk the cah). I liked it because it doesn't have a Hollywood ending.