Friday, July 14, 2006

Fabric fence

You might remember that last fall I had a ductless air conditioner/heat pump installed in my studio. This spring was long and cool so I didn't need the A/C until about a month ago, and then my frugal side kicked in and only wanted to turn it on when I'm actually in my studio. I'm sorry to disappoint those people who think I make jewelry all day every day, but many of my days are spent planning for classes, doing paperwork, buying supplies, and other things. I finally bit the bullet last week and turned the A/C on for good so I could go up and make jewelry any time I wanted to without having to wait for the studio to cool off (it's a finished attic, so that means there's about 6" of insulation and a dark roof separating me from the sun).

So today I went up to get my things together for class at Sparkles and I heard a little noise. At first I thought maybe it was Riley, or perhaps another furry friend sharing my studio. Then I heard it again and realized it was a drip. And then another one. Coming from the closet. The closet with about a hundred yards of fabric. (I used to have a bit of an upholstry-fabric fetish, and I am a packrat so even though I have no immediate use for all that fabric I keep it neatly folded in a hanging sweater stacker so it only takes up about a square foot or two of real estate).

This closet wall is where the A/C unit is installed, so when I opened the closet door I realized that the back side of the unit is dripping water right down the entire collection of fabric. So, I dragged all the sopping wet fabric downstairs to hang on our fence until I figure out what else to do. According to some specimens I observed on certain pieces fabric (now in the garbage), this water has been dripping for quite some time. Of course on a Friday afternoon in the summertime, the HVAC service guys are indisposed. Thankfully the water doesn't seem to have soaked through the floor; most of it is in the fabric.

My jewelry pal Karen is coming down for the weekend to attend Lapidary Journal's first Wire Fest. It is a place for wire jewelry artists to meet and share ideas, and it just happens to be in Wilmington. If you're from the area, you may have seen a billboard for it on 95 right near the Blue Rocks stadium. I'm taking a class on Sunday, so stay tuned for the results!

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